Theresa Hatchett

Business and spiritual coach helping others to design their lives. Facebook LinkedIn

 People do not need to reinvent the wheel they can start off by following a plan that reveals their deepest motivation

About Me

Is a coach in many fields she has been working as a business and spiritual coach helping others to design their lives.

She understands that supporting others to achieving a fulfilled and rewarding life people do not need to reinvent the wheel they can start of by following a plan that reveals their deepest motivation and by taking the steps to realize the success and happiness they deserve in their life.

My Programmes & Training Cources

Nine-to-Five to Entrepreneur

Stop putting your heart and soul into time and effort jobs where there is no possibility of you progressing, or gaining an income, above mini...

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Career to FamilyEntrepreneur

BiiZBoX is looking for new recruit who has worked in a career but now don't like what their job is doing to their mind body...

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Calling to Soulpreneurship

We take you from a Job (9_5) to becoming an entrepreneur.

We take you from a Career person to becoming a Family...

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